Do do do do do do do….
There are lots of ‘top tips’ where the school summer holidays are …
Lineker 1 – 1BBC
Many of us will have found politics a potentially risky topic for …
No blame game
‘No-fault divorce’ or The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 to give …
Good Divorce Week 2021
Good Divorce Week is back again, Resolution’s annual campaign to promote constructive …
Happy Birthday to me!
I am one! I am in slight disbelief about that. I am …
All good things must come to an end…
…but the good news is that free family mediation is here to …
Freebies! Good news x2!!
Government vouchers for family mediation… If you had been wondering about whether …
Financially sound
One thing that frustrates me (and I suspect all mediators) is that …
Family Mediation Week 2021: day 5 – Principles underpinning family mediation.
Lawyers were traditionally the first port of call when looking at divorce …
Family Mediation Week 2021: day 4 – What about Me?
“What about me?” is a recent report of the FAMILY SOLUTIONS GROUP.  The …
Family Mediation Week 2021: day 3 – What if?
Listening Michael Legge ( recently on how to take care of ourselves …
Family Mediation Week 2021: day 2 – What actually happens in family mediation?
Mediation can be misunderstood.  Like anything you try for the first time, …
Family Mediation Week 2021: day 1 – Is there a new appetite for family mediation?
Much has been said and written about how the pandemic has changed …
Good Divorce Week 2020
Can you have a ‘good divorce’?  I sit slightly uncomfortably with the …
What is a MIAM?
In a world that often seems binary, a new divide; those who …
A day in the office
A day at the office – how the mediation world has come …
Litigation should only come before a court where it is genuinely necessary
Everyone who works within separation/divorce and with children absolutely knows that court …
How it all began …
The arrival of my new business has been expedited by the ‘pandemic …